2017 Fall Festival
OCTOBER 21, 2017
Medicine Mountain’s Fall Festival is an open house for current and future families of the Black Hills Area Council. Activities include a turkey shoot, pumpkin chuckin’, hay rides, paintball, a fishing derby, a spooky trail, and other family activities.

$15.00 Per Person
Includes Camping, Fall Festival Activities, and Lunch. Excludes Turkey Shoot Entry Fees
Overnight Camping
Units and individuals are welcome to camp both Friday and Saturday night for no extra charge. Individuals and units electing to camp overnight on Friday will receive a free hot breakfast on Saturday morning. Only units and individuals camping overnight on Friday are able to receive the breakfast.
Breakfast – Units and individuals that camp overnight on Friday will receive a free hot breakfast. Breakfast will include french toast sticks, bacon, a potato side, fruit, and beverages. Pre-registration is required in order to receive breakfast.
Lunch – All participants of our Fall Festival will receive a lunch with their registration fee. Lunch includes chili dogs, sloppy joes, tater tots, fruit, other snacks, and beverages.
All Other Meals – All other meals will not be provided.
Eat What You Chunk Pumpkin Bake Off
Pies, breads, cakes, spreads, etc. If it has pumpkin in it, you can enter it! EACH AND EVERY UNIT (Pack, Troop, or Crew); create your entry on a camp fire, or camp stove and bring your entry to the training center by 4:00 PM. At least one person is to stay with your entry for the judging or write your name and unit number on the bottom (underside) of the plate or bowl of your entry. Please allow enough for 8 servings and bring something to serve on and eat with. (We encourage multiple entries)
The 2017 Fall Festival will be held at Medicine Mountain Scout Ranch. The camp is located at: 24201 Bobcat Road Custer, SD 57701

Punkin Chunkin’ Rules
Teams can only enter one (1) class per machine. Teams entering two machines in the same class may do so, provided they do not share components. All machines must be able to fire within three (3) minutes of being called to the firing line. Any machine not able to fire when the pit boss decides your three (3) minutes are up will forfeit that round.
Pumpkins will be weighed – Units/ Team captains are responsible for making sure they get their pumpkin weighed well enough in advance to ensure they have the time they need to set up. Pumpkins must weigh between 4 and 7 pounds. A scale will be available at the punkin chunkin’ check-in. Any special needs or concessions about the time needed for your machine should be brought up at check-in. The Pit Boss will try to work with you to ensure you the notice you need. Again, Team Captains are responsible for making sure you are ready when it’s your turn to chunk.
- Pumpkins are not to be altered in any way, excluding environmentally friendly marker paints. All pumpkins must be in their natural state.
- All machines must be set up in the assigned areas. You will be given notice of this area in advance. No excuses will be entertained for not being in your spot (on game day). You will be required to move.
- The longest distance of the event is the winner of the overall chunk regardless of class. All other first place winners are Champions of the class entered. If you are disqualified for any round in the competition for breaking SAFETY OR REGULAR rules, you will forfeit your longest distance, not the distance of the shot you are being disqualified on.
- Bring your own pumpkins for the chunkin (must be 4.0 to 7.0 pounds). Bring as many as you think you will need. Your guess is as good as ours.
Safety Rules
- All machines must have a safety strap or mechanism to hold the throwing arm or boom in case of early fire when loading. You are responsible for making sure everyone stays clear behind your machine, in case of a misfire. Personnel handling ropes or cable should wear gloves such as a sailing or repelling type to prevent burns.
- Machines may not fire until the safety team inspects and approves them to be safe. Any alterations after being inspected will require another inspection to be able to fire.
- Hard hats and eye protection are to be worn by all fire line personnel in and around the pit area at all times. Hard hats may be decorated appropriately for Punkin Chunkin. Only the firing crew in the pit, please. Crew members can be changed out for other members of your team and this is encouraged so everyone enjoys the firing line.
- For Cub Scouts. One adult must be with each Cub Scout in the firing areas.
Punkin Chunkin’ Classes
We will run three classes. The three classes are Catapult, Trebuchet, and “other.” Cub Scouts and Webelos will only be allowed to enter in the Catapult and Trebuchet sections for safety. Each section will have a spot in the ATV field. Additional information will be given out during check-in.
Catapult Class
- Pumpkins must weigh no less than 4 pounds and no more than 7.
- Pumpkins must leave the machine intact.
- No part of the base of the machine shall cross the firing line.
- No “wadding” (including bean chaff, straw, foam, metal, or any other object, or foreign matter).
- The machine shall consist of springs, cords, rubber, dead weights, or other mechanical means of creating a stored energy.
- Machines may have adult assistance on the design and building.
- Machines must be assembled, loaded, and fired by youth under full adult supervision.
Trebuchet Class
- Pumpkins must weigh no less than 4 pounds and no more than 7.
- Pumpkins must leave the machine intact.
- No part of the base of the machine shall cross the firing line.
- No “wadding” (including bean chaff, straw, foam, metal, or any other object, or foreign matter).
- The machine shall consist of swinging or fixed counterweights. They can be made of wood, metal, or plastic.
- Machines may have adult assistance on the design and building.
- Machines must be assembled, loaded, and fired by youth under full adult supervision.
Other Class
- Pumpkins must weigh no less than 4 pounds and no more than 7.
- Pumpkins must leave the machine intact.
- No part of the base of the machine shall cross the firing line.
- No “wadding” (including bean chaff, straw, foam, metal, or any other object, or foreign matter).
- Machines may have adult assistance on the design and building.
- Machines must be assembled, loaded, and fired by youth under full adult supervision.
- NO electrical means can be used to load, cock, or fire a machine.
Turkey Shoot
Entry Fees
Youth Under 11 BB Gun | $5.00
Youth 11-13 Years Old .22LR | $10.00
Youth 14-17 Years Old Shotgun | $15.00
Adult 18+ Years Old Shotgun | $15.00
The 2017 Turkey shoot will take place in the afternoon at the Fall Festival. There is an additional cost to enter the Turkey Shoot. A turkey will be awarded in each of 4 divisions:
- youth under 11 – BB Gun
- youth 11-13yrs – .22L Rifle
- youth 14-17yrs – Shotgun
- adult 18 and up – Shotgun
There will be a shoot-off in the event of a tie, and the Range Master’s decision is final. All rifles, ammunition, and required safety equipment will be provided. Spectators are free to come and watch the competition. Registration for the turkey shoot is completed at the time of online registration for the Fall Festival.